Monday, May 31, 2021

Toolkit 2 - Submission

Character Design Project:

Substance Painter and Texturing:

Lighting and Rendering:

Pipeline 1: Jetpack Jones

Toolkit 2: Reflective Statement

  Coming to the end of year 2, I can honestly say that this year has been far better than the last. Although there is still a troubling climate, concentration and flow has been so much easier to direct now that some other pressures have been removed. I was able to work out my time well over the year and found that I was able to understand what was in front of me much better. These elements combined have allowed me to consider which aspects of the "Toolkit" can be used in my final animation.

The lessons from the lighting and texturing is going to play a invaluable role in the upcoming year. Being taught "Substance Painter" is now a important part of my workflow and will continue to used after the student version has expired. Although I prefer "Substance Painter", it's important to not forget how to use Maya own texturing connections. Studios may still use these, so remembering it will help out in the long run

Also, I'm quite happy with how the final design bible has turned out. It was quite a unlucky choice for me to get "Zombies" (due to my massive dislike of them) and "German Expressionism", so playing on the psychological allowed the art style to become a character. It's important to note that I was not going for a accurate representation of "psychosis", just one that allowed for artist  experimentation. Working with my tutors was highly enjoyable and the conversations meant I could maintain focus rather then wandering off and losing the concept.  

Animation however, does seem to be my biggest weakness in this "toolkit". It's something that doesn't seem to come naturally, but it is one that I aim to improve. The lessons have given me a stronger understanding of timing, weight and the graph editor, but something that is lacking is a personalised touch. I need to be able to place a small part of my own style into the work so to create more dynamic and interesting movements. This will be something to work on alongside the overall aim to continue grasping the animation principles. 

Completing Jetpack Jones is, for myself,  a massive achievement. It is a hugely in-depth and intense project, but doing it has shown me areas that I surprisingly enjoyed such a "Rigging". As a model, its come out not too bad, but the continuous movement of vertices was frustrating and I'm still not sure when to move geometry around to avoid "twisting". Truth be told, I will continue to use these tutorials as a foundation when creating my own models in the future, that's is until i'm confident in my own knowledge to work independently. Overall, I'm quite proud of the character I have managed to produce.

Moving into next year, I want to use the skills acquired from the "Toolkit" to help give me a head start with the year 3 projects over the summer. 

* "ISSUU" is creating problems and the large gap at the bottom of this post cannot be removed. Multiple attempts have been made but the problem still persists*

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