Saturday, May 8, 2021

Pipeline 1: Jet Jack Jones - Subsurface Scattering

 For the face, tongue and gums, new aiStandardSurface was added. Under the texturing node, the skin present was set first (for all 3) and then the following was changed:

- Coat off 

- specular off

-Base off

Under the Subsurface menu, the scale was reduced down to 0.100 (this is due to Maya working in centimetres and the scale working in meters, so reducing the scale works to Maya measurements.). The weight was reduced down to 0.500, the base to 0.500 and the base colour matched the the subsurface colour.

This means that there is a more consistent colouring to the material and the subsurface radius changed to a more orange tone.

For the tongue, the previous process was repeat but a redder tones added. For the specular settings, the specular was brought up to give a wetter appearnce (the roughness was also reduced). 

On the eyes, a new aiStandardSurface was placed and the skin preset added again. The base and subsurface colours was changed to white. for the base, it was changed to 0.7 and the subsurface to 0.3 (adding up to 1), finally the was radius reduced.

For the Cornea, the glass preset was chosen. Then under the specular menu, we changed the IOR to "diamond (2.520) and the weight reduced so to be not so reflective. For the skin specular, is was was brought up enough to see a small amount of highlighting on the nose, eyelids etc. 

To finish the starting textures, the teeth base colour was made a off white and the roughness/specular changed. Also, the skull cap was altered to obtain a better speckled effect.

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