Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Premise: Submission Post and Reflective Statement


Final Animatic:

"Where Do All the Socks Go?" Presentation:

Reflective Statement:

Of all of the projects I have done so far, this one has been the most enjoyable. Not only because of its creative freedom, but its offering in the ability to grow as a creative.

At first, the idea of independently creating something from scratch was really daunting. Even with some guidelines in place, the process of being completely let loose was quite frightening and made be feel nervous about my ideas. I felt like I had a million thoughts running though my mind and was struggling to figure out what I really wanted to do.  Ultimately, I knew rigging was the area I wanted to focus on, but that on it's own just didn't feel like enough.

There was a flat spot in the middle of this project where I felt I just could not figure out a design for one of my creatures, therefore having a knock on effect on the rest of my outcomes. After some discussions with my tutors and with a new direction coming into light, the project quickly picked up speed again and resulted in the final production. I feel this outcome has a strong bases to go into year 3 with and will become a part of my Minor/Major projects. 

Overall, I am quite happy with how this project has turned out and actually feel quite proud of the work I have produced. Finishing this year, I have managed to keep good time management at university whilst successfully juggling a hectic work/home life. I would be lying if I said it was easy, it was not and there was times where I really struggled both mentally and physically. 

Areas that could have done with some improvement is the Maya testing. I only really concentrated on the texturing but there was some other areas that needed exploring. I feel this may be due to feeling "burnt out" and the focus on texturing was because of its creative aspects.  Also, its seems that even after 3 years at University, my confidence is still a bit wobbly when its comes to starting something new. However, I aim to tackle this by keep pushing forwards and proving to myself that I can complete that tasks at hand. 

To help with the workload in year 3 (and after a short break to mentally recover), the goal is to try and complete as much of the modelling and rigging as possible during the summer holidays. This will allow more time for texturing, animating and the post-production, whilst making room for any errors that will eat up time.

In terms of the careers pack, I will admit that's there is a lot that still needs to be done. I want to spend more time really thinking about who I am as an induvial before creating a brand, wanting to have fun exploring the creativity behind it. Working on so many other projects along the careers pack sadly has not allowed me to fulfil this, so this a goal I aim to complete over the summer. However, the lectures where highly insightful and the guidance with the CV has really helped me to make some decisions about my future aspirations.


Final Art of Document:

3D Tests:




Animatic and Beat sheet:



Narrative Development: 


Environment Concepts:

Character Concepts:

Development Ideas:

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