Monday, December 28, 2020

Pipeline 1: Jet Pack Jones - The Hands Continued and Finishing Up

  Using the duplicate finger, we remove the bottom geometry up to the first knuckle. With a new lattice, we place it into the correct position using all three orthographs. Scaling up, we  rotate outwards so the nail is pointing away from the hand. 

  Although we have space for the thumb, we need it to transition well. Creating a new loop just before the thumb and one just after the first edge of the hand, we delete the faces facing the thumb. Selecting both objects, the combine option allows us to see both when selected. Extruding from the edges of the new opening, snapping the vertices together shows we have a small twist in the geometry. although not a problem, its may cause some problems with the UV layout.

  To start clean up, selecting the vertices and using the average tool allows a good starting position.  We will still need to sculpt them so doesn't look too blocky. 

   Continuing to add geometry and sculpt, the thumb need to come forward a bit as its too far back at this point. Using the vertices, we close the gap and need to change the geometry in the knuckles/palm. Using the multi-cut tool and cutting though the palm,  new geometry is made to allow better modelling and support.  

  We need another loop though the hand, but need to change the points in the tip of the thumb. We use the multi-cut tool to change some the edges by cutting though them, removing some edges and re-aligning in the thumb.  To finish up this, we take some time to sculp and remove any bumps present.


New Geometry in the Knuckles

  To do the fabric after the hand, we firstly bring back the end edge to the correct place. Placing some more edges so to allow better scaling, we select all the faces and extrude outwards. with the vertices towards the hand, we bring them inwards and reposition them so there is hang in the fabric below. 

  To add the folds to the glove, we make another loop and push inwards. The fabric allows a personal artist preference, adding more geometry whilst pushing edges inwards and outs to create the desired effect (keeping gravity in mind).

  Now we need to add the hand to the arm. Combining both and placing in wireframe shaded mode, we noticed the hand has 11 edges where as the hand has 12.  This means we will have a triangle but it can be hidden.

  Snapping the vertices together, the odd vertices is at the bottom of the glove. Merging the vertices and straightening the edge, pushing it inwards will allow us to hind the triangle. Following a clean up, we add two more edge, delete what isn't need and then merge the vertices. The triangle is very small, so it shouldn't cause any problems. 

  Once completed. we mirror the model so to gain a hand on each arm.

Finished Glove

Bringing the Model Together

   Starting with cleaning up the scene (removing layers not in use, history, pivots, etc), we need to make sure everything is name correctly and then we optimise.  

  Importing the head into the scene, to start with it much to big. Selecting the head group, we bring it up in the view port and scale until it fits the orthographs and the body.  The bottom of the neck is outside of the top. Removing the bottom edges of the neck, we reposition the bottom edge and scale so the neck fits snuggly. 

  After optimising and removing the orthographs, we placed everything on layers so to help with UVing.

Jetpack Jone's mesh is now finished and ready for the UVing step. 

Finished Mesh

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